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Hi, everyone. Can anyone remind me how to register? It has been really a lot while since I last played that I can't remember how to do it.
@secret.hush Run the FakeSG client, click the "Register" button on the login screen, enter a valid username + email + password, then click the "Register forrealz" button. Then use that email and address and password to log in.
Side note: I'd forgotten the register screen had a button with "forrealz" on it. :rolling_eyes:
Hello, I played this game on windows 10 and it's really slow.
How to make it work fast?
@Taylor Any chance you could provide a recording of it going slowly?
Where should I upload it?
@Taylor Anywhere really. Maybe Youtube as an unlisted video?
@Taylor Make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date. If that doesn't fix it then maybe @sharpobject will be able to help further.
Have they made acoin shop because they mention it on the recent patch
@KuRoNeKo That notice is over a year old (and is out-of-date anyway - there have been updates since then). It's also mistaken in multiple ways:
- The pajama characters were already in the game and available before that update, they're just technically EP14 cards.
- The pajama characters are obtained via the cafe, not the (currently missing) coin shop.