There are TRs in the game already (e.g. some NPCs have Edelfelt), but currently no way for players to obtain them. You can however obtain 3 specific 100pt event cards by beating Muspelheim 3 times.

Posts made by Nietono
RE: Triple Rare Cards
RE: How to get Ping Pong Iri
In case you need further info on the Cafe (which is how you get them): -
RE: hmmmmm
The main advantage is that it's still running at all, which is a tremendous advantage over being shut down.
Compared to the official version:
- The drop rates on are tripled.
- The animations are faster.
- There's an announcement in chat when you join the PvP queue (including which PvP bracket).
RE: Wheres da shop menyuuu?
You don't buy decks. You start with the cards for all 4 starters decks (with the one you selected already built). Most other cards you craft in the lab using materials dropped from dungeons (PvE) or fight (PvP).
Some cards are dungeon rewards, usually a character reward for clearing a dungeon 10 times. There are also some characters that require using the cafe to transform other characters (which on average costs a lot of materials).
RE: Is the game still being updated?
The last major update (adding EX5) was at the start of September.
Mini deck breakdown: Lyrica grave (300DP PvP)
Last updated 16th July 2017
Disclaimer: Some links may display outdated effects. Where possible check the cards in-game for up-to-date effects.
Who am I?
I'm Nietono, aka OhGodShana (not to be confused with shananyan). I'm one of the more experienced players on fakeSG and I have a reputation for being a walking player guide. I also have a reputation for writing walls of text, but please at least try to read the guide before throwing up your hands and giving up. :sweat_smile:
What is this guide?
This is a mini breakdown of a Lyrica variant of grave decks: what it is, differences from conventional grave decks, and the strengths and weaknesses of this variant. Like conventional versions many of the major cards are rather expensive or difficult to obtain early so this guide will assume that this is not the first deck someone is trying to make.
This variant was provided by @chris who is another very experienced player.
This is the fourth in my series of deck breakdown guides and a variant of my third. Since this is a variant of a deck I already covered this guide will be shorter than normal. If you haven't already then please read my previous guide before continuing with this one.
Previous: grave
What is a Lyrica grave deck?
Lyrica grave decks use Vita followers as targets for Iri and Vernika in order to quickly fill the grave with Vita followers. This allows it to use Student Council Press Lyrica as another late-game follower since she becomes very hard to attack once the grave is full of Vita followers.
The deck otherwise functions similarly to a conventional grave deck. Compared to a conventional grave deck this has more late-game threats but none of the possible Iri and Vernika targets have extra grave synergy nor additional ways to grave extra copies of themselves. The deck also has a lot of off-faction cards.
Major additions
Important additions to the deck include:
Student Council Press Lyrica: The key card in this variant. Once all the Iri and Vernika targets are in the grave it takes a lot of ATK for the attacker to avoid being graved by her skill. She's also a good target for Relapse as her skill works regardless of her own stats and it forces the opponent to have to remove an extra copy of her. As a Vita follower she increases the ATK threshold of other copies of herself if sent to the grave. At 13pt she takes up rather a lot of DP but she's a hard follower to deal with.
Nanai Highcastle: With a variety of sizes among the possible Iri and Vernika targets her skill can potentially deal a high amount of STA damage to the attacker. However if her skill fails to destroy the attacker she removes a card from your grave, which could potentially weaken other cards. Unfortunately in this version of the game her skill only counts your own grave. As a Vita follower she increases Lyrica's ATK theshold if sent to the grave. At 33pt she takes up a lot of DP but her skill can be very potent and she's a powerful addition to the deck.
Vita Iri and Vernika targets
Possible Iri and Vernika targets for this deck include:
Student Council Secretary Fran (EP2), Student Council Secretary Fran (EP10): At 1pt and 5pt this is one of the lower pt option though not the lowest. The EP10 version has a nice self-buffing skill. Both versions are different sizes which helps Nanai Highcastle. Overall a good option.
Cook Club Sylphie (EP0), Cook Club Sylphie(EP11): At 1pt and 5pt this is again one of the lower pt options. The EP0 version has a weak ATK self-buff and the EP11 version can set the defender's DEF to 0 once per turn. Both versions are different sizes which helps Nanai Highcastle. Overall a good option.
Cook Club Linfield (EP0), Cook Club Linfield (EP14): At 1pt each this is one of the lowest pt options. The EP14 version has very high stats at the cost of debuffing herself. Both versions are different sizes which helps Nanai Highcastle and this is the only option that includes a size 6. Use this if you need the spare DP for other cards.
Library Club Milka (EP2), Library Club Milka (EP5): At 7pt each this is a high pt option. Both versions can give a Library Club follower, such as herself, 2 STA once per turn. Both versions are the same size. This is a decent option but uses up a lot of DP.
- Cook Club Katie (EP0), Cook Club Katie (EP10): At 1pt and 7pt this is a morderate pt option. Both versions are rather tanky as the EP0 version buffs her DEF at the cost of her STA and the EP10 version starts with 3 DEF. Both versions are different sizes which helps Nanai Highcastle and this is the only option that includes a size 1. Overall a good option.
Advantages and disadvantages
In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of conventional grave decks:
Advantages of Lyrica grave decks:
- Multiple late-game threats.
- Lyrica can become very hard to attack.
Disadvantages of Lyrica grave decks:
- Vulnerable to effects that punish off-faction cards.
- Santa Iri's bonus STA +2 can often fail.
Example deck
The deck chris provided - 295DP
I hope this guide will help players (if the length of it hasn't driven them away already :sweat_smile: ).
Deck breakdown: grave (100-300DP PvP)
Last updated 11th September 2017
Disclaimer: Some links may display outdated effects. Where possible check the cards in-game for up-to-date effects.
Who am I?
I'm Nietono, aka OhGodShana (not to be confused with shananyan). I'm one of the more experienced players on fakeSG and I have a reputation for being a walking player guide. I also have a reputation for writing walls of text, but please at least try to read the guide before throwing up your hands and giving up. :sweat_smile:
What is this guide?
This is a breakdown of a grave deck: what it is, options for what to include, and the strengths and weaknesses of the deck. Many of the major cards are rather expensive or difficult to obtain early so this guide will assume that this is not the first deck someone is trying to make.
This is the third in my series of deck breakdown guides.
Previous: Resurgence
Next: Lyrica grave (a variant on this deck so read this guide first)
What is a grave deck?
Grave decks use cards, such as the spell Iri and Vernika, that selectively discard specific cards from your deck to rapidly fill up your grave. It then uses cards that benefit from having these cards in your grave such as GS 5th Star.
The deck aims to create strong followers with Iri and Vernika early on then continue to produce strong followers and/or damage opposing followers with cards that fill and/or take advantage of the grave. Once the grave gets really full followers such as GS 5th Star or Charon can become incredibly strong.
The deck is incredibly draw-dependent in early turns, all too often leading to using both shuffles on turn 1, but the high amount of deck thinning makes it really easy to draw or shuffle for (if any shuffles remain) specific cards later on. The cards with grave-based effects can easily become very powerful, though the deck is typically highly vulnerable to follower removal as it leaves itself with so few followers remaining. Since the deck burns through itself really quickly it needs a character that can prevent it from decking out but there are character options that work really well.
Since the deck sends so many copies of its followers to the grave it needs to start off extremely follower-heavy, often running around 20 followers. As spare copies of followers get sent to the grave during a fight the remainder of the deck slowly becomes more spell-heavy.
Iri and Vernika
Iri and Vernika is the main way for the deck to fill the grave and targets for it should either have multiple cards of the same name or a limit higher than the standard 3. Whenever possible aim to leave slot 1 open to allow Iri and Vernika to be used on a new follower. The spell itself and some example targets are listed here:
Note: For mixed-faction grave decks there are a number of viable targets belonging to other factions, however I'm only listing Darklore targets in this guide.
Iri and Vernika: If used on one of the many followers with 2 same-named limit 3 cards this can buff that follower by +5/+3/+5 and put 6 cards into the grave (itself and the 5 spare copies of the follower). Since this discards from both the hand and deck you don't need to worry about prematurely drawing any of the spare copies of that follower. This card is essential to the deck.
GS Fighter: Being limit 6 makes this one of very few cards with a limit higher than 3. Being a 1pt card makes this the lowest pt option if DP is tight. This otherwise gains no additional benefits from having extra copies of itself in the grave and isn't particularly strong on its own. Use this if you need the spare DP for other cards or if you're using GS 3rd Star as a character.
Crescent Kris Flina (EP0), Crescent Kris Flina (EP10): Both cards are 1 pt so this is again tied for lowest pt option. The EP10 version also has additional ways to get copies of herself into the grave and gain STA in the process, though only from the deck. The EP0 version however is unimpressive on her own (the skill shown in that link is not present in this version of the game). This is a fairly good option for such a low pt value and can work to fuel Ritual of Harmony.
Red Moon Aka Flina (EP1), Red Moon Aka Flina (EP10): Both cards are 7pt so this is one of the higher pt options. The EP10 version can deal 6 sta damage with 5 spare copies in the grave and so works extremely well as a target. The EP0 version wastes the DEF buff but her skill allows her to function well with any initial buff, self-buffing rapidly against opposing high DEF followers. This is a high pt but powerful option and can work to fuel Ritual of Harmony.
Crescent Conundrum (EP0), Crescent Conundrum (UE1), Crescent Conundrum (UE2), Crescent Conundrum (EX4): Having potentially as many as 10 same-named followers allows for a possible +9/+5/+9 buff to one of them and 10 cards (Iri and Vernika plus the 9 spare copies) in the grave. A couple of 1pt versions, a 7pt version, and a 33pt version allow for flexibility in how much DP is used but the full set will use up a lot of DP. None of them gain additional benefits from having extra copies in the grave. The skill of the EP0 version only works in PvE, the UE1 version has a very powerful self-buffing skill, the UE2 version has an unreliable but potentially helpful survival skill, and the EX4 version can snowball her DEF. This is a flexible but potentially very high pt option that can fill the grave particularly quickly and can greatly fuel Ritual of Harmony.
Benefitting from the grave
Cards that can benefit from a large grave include:
GS 5th Star: The biggest threat in the deck, if played late she can potentially reach 20+ ATK/STA immediately. She's of little use until after you've used up a lot of your deck though. Being a 33pt rare she uses up a lot of your DP but she's the major reason to even run the deck. Auto-include unless you have extremely good reason not to use her.
GS 6th Star: Can snowball extremely quickly in early turns, gaining up to +4/0/+4 (this cap is not listed in that link) each time she attacks. Her effect becomes much less impressive by turn 6 however and stops working on turn 7, as well as requiring you to get 7 or more cards into your grave quickly. 7pt is fairly high though this card is potent enough to justify it. A strong and highly recommended inclusion though not absolutely required.
Nether Conductor Charon: Can snowball extremely quickly once the graves start filling up, though her skill is underwhelming early on. 33pt is a lot but she's the 2nd biggest late-game threat in the deck. Highly recommended for higher DP versions.
Clue about God: A potential 6 STA damage (the 8 listed in that link isn't accurate to this version) to 2 opposing followers. This is strong for 3pt and highly recommended.
Ritual of Harmony: A potential 9ATK buff to 2 of your followers if a lot of your Iri and Vernika targets are compatible. This is very strong for 1pt and is highly recommended in versions that can use it well.
Other useful cards
Other cards that can work well in the deck include:
Relapse: Can split your GS 5th Star into 2 copies to have an additional major threat. This will deplete your grave twice as fast however, and it's a 13pt card. A nice option but far from required.
Miracle: Severely weakens the opposing field if your first follower is fairly weak and many of the Iri and Vernika targets work well for this if they haven't been buffed or graved already. This can work especially well if using GS 3rd Star as a character. Being a DR this takes up 50pt of your DP but is a very powerful safety option. Highly recommended for higher DP versions.
GS Agent (EP12): Can be used to recycle GS 5th Star if she's graved. If running this you may opt to avoid using GS 6th Star and GS Fighter in order to only recycle GS 5th Star. Also works as a good Miracle target. A nice option but not required.
Possible character choices include:
Santa Iri: The recommended character for most versions. Provides a small +1/0/+2 buff and usually an additional 2 STA buff as well as keeping you from decking out by returning a card from your hand to your deck each turn. Being only 1pt also frees up DP for other cards.
GS 3rd Star: Keeps you from decking out by spawning extra copies of GS Fighter at the bottom of your deck. These can be used as additional targets for Iri and Vernika or Miracle. Also heals you by 1 life if your life is lower. Santa Iri is usually preferred though.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of grave decks:
- Powerful effects once your grave gets large.
- Can produce followers with very high stats.
- One of the few decks that can take advantage of deck thinning.
- Suggested characters are anti-deckout.
The disadvantages of grave decks:
- Heavily dependent on drawing Iri and Vernika early.
- Highly vulnerable to removal.
- Extremely vulnerable to grave-removal, e.g. Genius Student Nanai.
Example decks
Here are some example deck lists:
Edit: Updated Rotori version.
- Low DP B-NA version - 99DP
- Low DP Rotori version - 97DP
- Relapse and full Crescent Conundrum version - 299DP
- 3 DRs version - 300DP
I hope this guide will help players (if the length of it hasn't driven them away already :sweat_smile: ).
RE: Missing card art, or is it not supposed to be there?
I don't really know. I believe @Sasuke runs so maybe he can answer? You might get more useful answers regarding that version on its own forum, though if you ever want to play our version feel free to ask for help.
RE: Missing card art, or is it not supposed to be there?
Yeah, sounds like you're playing the .org version.
RE: Some questions
There's no shop. In the future the intent is to give unobtainable cards a new recipe that costs coins.
RE: Two questions I have!
There are indeed more episodes to be released and there should be more updates in the future. However when is another matter entirely - this game doesn't update very quickly. :sweat_smile:
People have already been making videos of fakeSG for ages and to the best of my knowledge there haven't been any issues so far. This doesn't mean it's 100% safe however (we're technically not meant to exist after all). It should be fine though.
RE: Bug Report Thread
@Megumii Her text is right, her effect is wrong - is out-of-date on what slot ranges the Rianna characters use. Though nearly all Rianna characters share this bug.
RE: Any updates?
@RinKaihou Dress Sita, Kendo Sita, Swimwear Sita, and Lightseeker Sita are transformations. I hope you're ready to craft ~800 cards on average (~200 per transformation) - Waiting Sita doesn't come cheap. :stuck_out_tongue:
RE: Any updates?
@Cristian You can see a list of cards here, though filtering by EP number is slighty tricky (e.g. trying to view EP4 often results in also seeing cards from EX4 and UE4). Also note that the details for some older cards are out-of-date on that site.
Deck breakdown: Resurgence (300-9001DP PvE)
Last updated 14th July 2017
Disclaimer: Some links may display outdated effects. Where possible check the cards in-game for up-to-date effects.
Who am I?
I'm Nietono, aka OhGodShana (not to be confused with shananyan). I'm one of the more experienced players on fakeSG and I have a reputation for being a walking player guide. I also have a reputation for writing walls of text, but please at least try to read the guide before throwing up your hands and giving up. :sweat_smile:
What is this guide?
This is a breakdown of a Resurgence deck: what it is, options for what to include, and the strengths and weaknesses of the deck. Since this is purely a grinding deck I will not be considering PvP viability. Use against skilled players at your own risk!
This is the second in my series of deck breakdown guides.
Previous: size 1 Passcode
Next: grave
What is a Resurgence deck?
Resurgence decks use either Glacier of the Ice or Flores Altheim to automatically draw 4 or 3 specific Crux cards respectively including the spell Resurgence and a high sized follower. This works because a deck containing only 4 or 3 Crux cards has only those specific Crux cards for Glacier or Flores to send to your hand/the top of your deck.
This allows the deck to consistently create an oversized field on turn 1 that plays your entire hand regardless of size and potentially hits for a high amount of direct damage. A size 7 follower with 3 followers played at size 2-3 by Resurgence adds up to a size 13-16 field where the total original size could easily be over 20.
The nature of the deck means that you can't play any further cards until your field size drops back below 10. This means the deck relies on the opening field to be able to handle most or all of the fight itself. On the other hand this also means no decisions about which cards to play so you can just quickly hit the Ready button to skip your turns.
The combination of the predetermined turn 1 play, oversized field, and lack of further plays needed if things go well makes this likely the fastest general purpose grinding deck in the game. However the inability to play further cards generally means the deck needs to be expensive compared to what you're farming with it and cheaper versions of the deck tend to lack a suitable way to make a recovery if things go badly. The deck also tends to perform poorly against a lot of bosses unless using a very expensive build, and even then some bosses are out of reach.
The deck is typically incredibly follower-heavy, usually running fewer than 10 spells and possibly even running no spells other than Resurgence. The deck also evaluates cards differently from other decks since it aims to bypass the size of its followers but struggles to reliably buff them and has no control over which non-Crux cards get played by Resurgence. This makes Resurgence decks another bad example if you're looking to learn how to build more conventional decks.
Core cards
These cards are required to make the deck function:
Glacier of the Ice: The cheaper but weaker character choice for the deck. She used to buff the sent followers by +1/0/+1 but post-nerf she instead debuffs them by -1/0/-1 and lowers their size by 1. Given that the deck aims to create a large field both parts of this effect are undesirable. Sending the cards to your hand also makes the deck vulnerable to NPC character effects that discard cards from the hand. Being able to auto-draw 4 specific cards instead of 3 does however provide more control over your opening hand. Reasonably cheap for a character but is season 2.
Flores Altheim: The stronger but more expensive character choice for the deck. She buffs the sent followers instead of debuffing them and preserves their size. She also avoids NPC character hand discard effects by sending cards to the top of the deck instead of your hand. She only lets you auto-draw 3 cards instead of 4 though. Very expensive and is season 2.
Resurgence: The spell the deck is named after. Plays your entire hand at size 2-3, ignoring the previous size and allowing for an oversized field full of strong followers. Post-nerf this card deactivates any sent spells which makes playing it with other spells in your hand much weaker. This effect can fail if an NPC happens to play a card that empties your hand. Extremely expensive but is at least season 1.
High size Crux follower
The deck wants 1 of these to play along with Resurgence on turn 1:
Knight Supplier: A cheap season 1 option for early builds. Has high base stats and lacking an effect actually slightly speeds up fights. This should be replaced ASAP as it won't carry the deck very far.
Knight Quartermaster: A stronger season 1 option. Has high base stats and steals 1/0/1 from the attacker when attacked by a non-Crux follower. Being size 6 instead of 7 reduces direct damage but otherwise a decent option. There are however followers that are preferred.
Youngest Knight Rotori (UE1): The safer and more buff-oriented of the preferred options. She can self-buff rapidly when attacking followers, especially when her DEF is buffed by another follower, and she gains 2 STA when attacked by an NPC-controlled follower. Being a season 2 rare card makes this difficult to obtain but she's worth the investment.
Crux Knight Lukif: The initially stronger but riskier of the preferred options. Her huge base attack one-shots a lot of followers, especially as NPCs are typically bad at buffing followers. Her defend skill contrasted with her low STA is a double-edged sword as she can either be destroyed easily or be close to impossible to destroy depending on the NPC and the cards they play. However the random nature of NPCs combined with the generally early win turns of the deck generally make her safer than she initially seems. Being a season 2 rare card makes this difficult to obtain but she's worth the investment.
Note: the boss of Muzisitter Land cannot destroy Crux Knight Lukif once she reaches 3 STA, making Flores + Lukif a hard counter to the boss, albeit overly expensive for the task.
Other Crux cards
In addition to the possibility of running another of the above possible other Crux options for the remaining 1-2 Crux cards include:
Sword Girls Luthica: Provides a DEF buff and can start the loop of Sword Girls buffs. Low ATK weakens the initial field however. This card should only be used in the deck if running other Sword Girls followers, e.g. Sword Girls Sita, but starting this buffing loop can help overcome the buffing issues the deck suffers from. Misleadingly expensive for her pt value but is at least season 1. Should eventually be replaced by Crux Knight Fleta.
Crux Knight Fleta: Her previously somewhat unimpressive for a DR +3/0/+3 buff to your field got increased to a +3/+1/+4 buff and now buffs all of your followers regardless of their faction. This buff helps make your initial field much stronger, significantly expanding what the deck can reasonably handle. This card is expensive even by DR standards but is at least season 1. Highly recommended for any Resurgence deck.
Relieve Post: A 2-turn buff that helps with the deck's lack of buffing by providing a +4/0/+4 buff to 2 followers then buffing 2 followers again next turn. The nerf to Resurgence however means that this won't start buffing until turn 2 and not being a follower reduces the possible direct damage. Being a DR this card is expensive but is at least season 1. A viable option for a 4th Crux card in Glacier versions but Flores versions lack room as Fleta is preferred for being able to potentially buff sooner and also being a follower. This is a very useful card for other decks in general however.
Remaining cards - cheap(ish) options
Less expensive options for the remaining non-Crux cards, some of which are even useful long-term, include:
Cook Club Director Jamie, Head Maid, and/or Scardel Pinot Noir: Starter deck followers with a +1/0/+1 self-buff against NPCs. Rather strong for how easy they are to get, these are good choices for an early version though should eventually be replaced.
Sword Girls Sita: Provides a +2/0/+1 buff to all of your followers at once when she first attacks and regains this skill when brought out by another Sword Girls follower, which could even be another copy of herself. This source of once-per-turn buffing helps with the buffing issues the deck has. Misleadingly expensive for her pt value but is at least season 1. Highly recommended for any Resurgence deck, even the most expensive ones, but requires that at least 2 copies of a Sword Girls follower total are in the deck. You may opt to only run 2 of her to allow the self-buffs on each to stack up faster but this makes the Sword Girls Loop easier to break.
Sword Girls Cinia: Provides a 3 STA buff to all of your followers at once and reduces her own size by 1 when first attacked and regains this skill when brought out by another Sword Girls follower, which could even be another copy of herself. Like Swordgirls Sita she helps with the buffing issues the deck has but her pure STA buff is generally less useful than the mixed ATK/STA buff of Swordgirls Sita. Misleadingly expensive for her pt value but is at least season 1. Recommended for cheaper versions but should eventually be replaced.
Tennis Club Fiddle: Has high base ATK and gains 3 STA when attacked by an NPC-controlled follower. Being a season 2 card makes this harder to obtain. Highly recommended for all but the most expensive Resurgence decks.
Hot Item: A mass buff with no restrictions. With the Resurgence nerf this won't activate until turn 2 and not being a follower reduces the possible direct damage, but cheaper versions of the deck in particular can benefit from the buffing. This is simple to obtain and useful for cheaper versions of the deck but should be replaced long-term.
Sacrifice: A starter deck life burn spell. Can be used for a final burst of damage if the initial field is lost and isn't too bad if placed by Resurgence. Useful for cheaper versions of the deck and viable in more expensive ones but should still probably be replaced long-term.
Other ways to bypass size
Other cards for bypassing size to rebuild the field if the initial field is lost are mostly expensive but include:
GS Agent (EP 5): Used as a single copy with GS 1st Star in the deck she can bring out GS 1st Star at full size when attacked. Her own stats are weak when unbuffed however. This is fairly simple to obtain and is far easier to obtain than GS 1st Star herself. Useful as long as GS 1st Star is in the deck but you may wish to replace her eventually.
Trainer Iri: Can bring out another follower at full size once per turn albeit deactivated, buffs herself when she does so, and can even help create larger a field than you started with. She also gains 2 STA when attacked. Her effect can conflict with Sword Girls followers however and her base attack is somewhat low. Being a season 2 rare this card is difficult to obtain but is highly recommended for more expensive versions of the deck.
Visitor: Plays the first Vita follower in your hand at size 1-2 with a +3-5/0/+3-5 buff. Requires a lot of the deck to be Vita followers to work reliably and if played by Resurgence will be delayed by a turn. However there are a lot of good Vita followers the deck can use and the extra buff to the follower is helpful. Extremely expensive but is at least season 1 and is recommended for expensive Vita-heavy versions.
Forgotten God's Ritual: Brings out a follower with -1 size and a +4/0/+4 buff if the opposing field contains a spell. Being delayed by a turn when played by Resurgence means it can be your 1st spell to activate on turn 2 instead of your 2nd spell to activate on turn 1, meaning Resurgence no longer makes it less likely to work. The effect fails if the NPC doesn't have a spell when it activates but when it works it can help create an even larger oversized field and the extra buff is helpful. Being a season 2 rare this is difficult to obtain but is recommended in spite of the luck factor.
Entrapment: Brings out an Academy follower with an ATK/STA buff and/or size reduction. The follower-heavy nature of the deck means it can often provide at least a +5/0/+5 buff which is very helpful. Unlike Visitor this only requires that at least 1 Academy follower remains the in the deck. Being a season 2 DR this is particularly difficult to obtain but is highly recommended for expensive versions.
Safety and recovery
These options are expensive but can help prevent and/or deal with bad situations, making the deck more reliable:
Cosmo Lady Tikin: Has a one-off +2/0/+2 self-buff when first attacking and a one-off -2/0/-2 debuff when first attacked as well as being able to recycle a single follower, possibly Lukif or Fleta. Works better in Flores versions of the deck to redraw a recycled Lukif or Fleta the turn after without needing to play multiple cards. Recommended but not required.
Royle Academy Chairman Lady Linia: Can remove the DEF/STA buffs once per turn from a follower she attacks and the ATK/DEF buffs once per turn from a follower attacking her. This makes it more difficult for an NPC to outbuff you. Highly recommended.
Muzisitter Lady Sevia: Can heal you and self-buff but makes the defender size 1 when she does so. This can help you recover from the damage of losing an initial field. Recommended but not required.
Student Council Treasurer Amy: Can turn buffs on a defender into debuffs of up to -5 per stat once per turn. This makes it more difficult for an NPC to outbuff you. However her base ATK is somewhat low. Highly recommended.
Reunion: Can potentially steal a size 5 or lower follower on turn 2 if played by Resurgence on turn 1, or steal a size 4 or lower follower otherwise. This can either allow for more direct attacks or steal a threatening follower. Highly recommended.
Remaining cards - expensive options
Expensive options for the remaining non-Crux cards include:
Battle Sita and/or Vampire Hunter Iri: Among the most widely-splashed followers in the game, these are both extremely good followers and can still be useful even at their default size if the initial field is lost. Battle Sita deals STA damage equal to half of her ATK and buffs her STA by half the damage dealt, making any ATK buff to her even more effective. Vampire Hunter Iri buffs her ATK and STA once per turn by 2 + the difference between her size and the defender's. These are also unusually cheap for 33pt rares. Highly recommended in general as well as for this deck.
Student Council Executive Member Maron, Ice Lady, and/or GS 1st Star: The other faction versions of Knight Quartermaster. They all have high base stats and steal 1/0/1 when attacked by a follower of another faction. Solid inclusions but not required.
Southern Lady: Deals STA damage to the defender and followers adjacent to it equal to half her ATK divided by the number of targets, and has high base stats. Highly recommended.
Detectives Linus and Asmis: Spawns a Vita starter deck buff each time it attacks and removes 1 from the grave when attacked to gain +1/0/+1. The buff from New Student Orientation is nice on just her but is even better in a Vita-heavy Flores version. The spawned spells also delay your attacks to allow for more direct attacks. Highly recommended.
Witness of the End: Usually buffs herself by +2/+1/+2 each time she attacks as most followers have skills. Highly recommended.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of Resurgence decks:
- Consistent turn 1 play.
- Simple to use.
- Very fast at grinding.
- A lot of room for growth.
The disadvantages of Resurgence decks:
- Requires a DR to function.
- Generally needs to be more expensive than the decks it fights.
- Strong versions are very expensive.
- Can struggle with bosses, especially cheaper versions of the deck.
- Cheaper versions struggle if the opening field is lost.
- High damage to yourself if your oversized field is destroyed.
Example decks
Here are some example deck lists:
I hope this guide will help players (if the length of it hasn't driven them away already :sweat_smile: ).
Deck breakdown: size 1 Passcode (100DP PvE, 100DP PvP)
Last updated 8th May 2017
Edit: swogitools-v2 seems to be having hosting issues so links have been replaced. As a result some links may display outdated effects. Where possible check the cards in-game for up-to-date effects.
Who am I?
I'm Nietono, aka OhGodShana (not to be confused with shananyan). I'm one of the more experienced players on fakeSG and I have a reputation for being a walking player guide. I also have a reputation for writing walls of text, but please at least try to read the guide before throwing up your hands and giving up. :sweat_smile:
What is this guide?
This is a breakdown of a size 1 Passcode deck: what it is, options for what to include, and the strengths and weaknesses of the deck. Since this is a suggested early grinding deck I will mainly focus on the deck as an initial deck to aim for. This also means I will focus mainly on PvE versions, though PvP versions do exist.
In the future I aim to create similar guides for other types of deck. I am aware that threads about size 1 Passcode already exist but it still seemed like the ideal starting point for this series of guides.
Next: Resurgence
What is size 1 Passcode?
Size 1 Passcode is a deck based around playing multiple size 1 followers and buffing them with mass buffs such as the spell Passcode. It can also run other spells that have synergy with playing multiple followers at once.
The deck typically aims to plays 1-2 spells per turn, usually buffs, with 3-4 followers. PvP versions typically aim far more towards 2 spells with 3 followers, however playing 1 spell with 4 followers does allow for a single follower to be removed or resized without preventing Passcode from working and suffices for PvE versions.
The deck is cheap to build and a basic version can be constructed using a number of starter deck cards. It is also rather strong for how cheap it is to build and is actually rather fast for grinding easier dungeons. It does however have a low cap on how strong it can get and struggles a lot with more difficult dungeons, as well as many bosses. As a result it merely serves as an initial grinding deck to get started rather than a finalised grinding deck.
The deck is particularly swarmy and hence PvE versions tend to be extremely follower heavy, running around 18-21 followers with 9-12 spells. Versions using a Clarice character need fewer followers as she spawns followers for you, so a PvP Clarice version can instead run around 14 followers with 16 spells.
Being based around mass-buffing this is a core part of the deck. Possible buffs include:
Passcode: The spell the deck is named after. As long as you have 3 or more cards of the same size on the field (which can include spells) this will give a +3/0/+3 buff to all followers of that size on your field. This can give a nice buff to 3-4 of your followers at once. This can fail however if too many followers are resized or removed before it activates. This is simple to obtain and should be included in any Passcode deck.
Rookie's Debut: The strongest cheap mass buff the deck has access to. All followers on your field with ATK equal to their STA gain a +4/0/+4 buff. This can give a substantial buff to any number of your followers at once. The restriction on what it can buff limits which followers and which other spells you can run, and it can fail or become a dead card in your hand if your followers are damaged. Being a season 2 card this is somewhat difficult to obtain early on and whether to include it is a major decision as it affects how the rest of the deck is built. I personally recommend it though.
Summer Day Memory: A reliable buff with no restrictions on what it can buff. 3 followers on your field get ATK and STA buffed by the difference between 4 and their size, which is a +3/0/+3 buff on size 1 followers. This gives a nice buff but can't buff 4 followers at once. The effect can't fail but having followers resized can weaken the buff. This is fairly simple to obtain and should be included if there is room in the deck.
Hot Item: The most reliable but weakest mass buff the deck has access to. It gives a +2/0/+3 buff to your whole field with no limitations. The buff is not as strong as the rest but will work on all of your followers no matter what happens to them. The difference between the ATK and STA buff means this doesn't work well with Rookie's Debut. This is simple to obtain but generally only serves as a placeholder for better buffs.
4 Messages: A size-increasing buff to act as a finisher. 2 followers on your field get size set to 4 and get ATK, DEF, and STA increased by the size increase, which is a +3/+3/+3 buff on size 1 followers. On top of a nice buff the size increase allows you to deal extra direct damage and the extra DEF makes those followers more durable. The effect can't fail but having followers resized beforehand can weaken the buff and the extra size makes your field too large to play any further buffs later. Being a season 2 card this is somewhat difficult to obtain early on but should be included in PvE versions if you can obtain it, though only 1-2. This is probably too risky to use in a PvP version.
Sage's Counsel: A reliable and low size buff with no restrictions on what it can buff. It gives a +3/0/+3 buff to 2 of your followers. This gives a nice buff but only to 2 followers, though its low size makes it easy to play at the same time as another buff. The effect can't fail. Being a reward from the boss of 2S Detective Agency this is difficult to obtain early on and not being a mass buff means it's best used as an additional buff in PvP versions.
Vanishment: A reliable combined buff and debuff with no restriction on what it can buff. It gives a +3/0/+3 buff to 2 of your followers and a -1/0/-1 debuff to 2 opposing followers. This gives a nice buff and also debuffs but only buffs 2 followers. The effect can't fail. Being a season 2 card this is slightly difficult to obtain early on and while it is an option I personally don't recommend it over other options.
- Vampiric Rites (EP0): An emergency option to create a single strong follower. All followers on your field get size/ATK/STA set to 1 then the first Darklore follower on your field with the lowest size has its size/ATK/STA increased by the respective reductions. As all followers in the deck are size 1 the target follower will remain size 1 unless any of your followers were previously resized. This can be used to quickly create a follower strong enough to destroy an opposing threat. This however requires a Darklore follower and leaves your other followers at 1/0/1. This is a starter deck card and can be included as a safety option if you want, though probably only 1-2.
Size 1 followers
This is the other core part of the deck. Possible size 1 followers include:
Crescent Conundrum (EP0): Works with Rookie's Debut, has a self ATK buff against NPCs, has a nice DEF stat and slightly above average stat total, and is a starter deck card - what's not to like? Include in any size 1 Passcode deck unless there's a specific reason not to, such as specifically avoiding followers with skills against certain NPCs.
Game Starter: Works with Rookie's Debut and has an above average stat total. Simple to obtain, include in any size 1 Passcode deck unless there's a specifc reason not to. Note that this card has a limit of 1.
Cook Club Member (EP0), Gardening Maid, and/or New Knight: Starter deck cards with a self ATK buff against NPCs. Useful for early versions of the deck before you obtain other followers. Gardening Maid is good in non-Rookie builds, Cook Club Member is potentially useful in non-Rookie builds too, but New Knight should be replaced with another follower when possible.
Burning Guardian, Youngest Knight, GS Fighter, and/or Library Club Librarian Milka: Basic 5/0/5 size 1 followers that work with Rookie's Debut. Simple to obtain except Milka who is slightly difficult to obtain early on due to being a season 2 card. In a Rookie's Debut build you pretty much have no choice other than to use these, otherwise you may want to use some sturdier followers. Note that GS Fighter has a limit of 6.
Student Council Roroa: Has a useful once-per-turn temporary deskilling attack skill. Include in any non-Rookie build unless there's a specific reason not to.
Cook Club Poplar, Chief Maid Carie, Knight's Assistant Clarice, or Wind Witch: Work extremely well with 4 Messages but not with Rookie's Debut. Being season 3 cards these are rather difficult to obtain early on but whichever one matches your faction would work very well if you wanted to use a non-Rookie build past just an initial grinding deck.
Other spells
Other spells that work well in the deck include:
Meteor Call: Can easily deal high STA damage due to the number of followers the deck plays at once. However it damages your own followers too and interferes with Rookie's Debut. This is fairly simple to obtain but is typically a placeholder for Warning.
Warning: Can rather easily inflict a -5/0/-5 debuff to all opposing followers since the deck often plays its entire hand at once. Can also act like a shuffle if needed. Overall makes the deck far more consistent in PvE. Being a season 2 rare card this is difficult to obtain early on but is certainly worth the extra effort to obtain and should definitely be included once obtained.
Mass Recall (EX4): A good and cheap low size removal option for PvP versions. Risks removing one of your own followers as part of the cost but having multiple followers on the field means you can afford to let this happen to try removing a threat. Being a season 2 card this is somewhat difficult to obtain early on.
Possible character choices include:
Fugitive Iri Flina: The recommended character for PvE versions due to her potential combined 2 life damage per turn to NPCs. Is a starter character.
Street Idol Clarice: The recommended character for PvP versions due to the followers she spawns which can start as high as 9/1/9. Reduces the number of followers needed and on early turns spawns followers with higher starting stats than those in the deck. However the spawned followers are graved at the start of each turn so can't accumulate multiple buffs. Being a transformation this is very expensive.
Dress Luthica: A buffing option. Can mass buff but doesn't work with Rookie's Debut. Being a transformation this character is very expensive.
Vampire Sisters Shion and Rion: A buffing option. Has synergy with the follower-heavy nature of the deck but doesn't work with Rookie's Debut. Being the boss character reward of Shadowland this takes a while to obtain and is more of a personal preference option than a suggested option.
Horseback Rose: A buffing and prebuffing option. Has a nice buff or prebuff depending on the number of cards in your hand and can delay deckout by recycling followers. Both the buff and prebuff work with Rookie's Debut. Being a transformation this is very expensive.
Child Helena: A prebuffing option. Has an extremely strong STA prebuff. Doesn't worth with Rookie's Debut. Rather expensive though not as expensive as some of the other listed options.
Possible additional rares and DRs
Size 1 Passcode generally doesn't benefit much from extra rares and DRs so your extra resources are generally better spent making another deck. However if you wish to make a more expensive version, such as for use against certain specific NPCs where size 1 Passcode happens to remain a useful tool, here are some options:
Morals Committee Layna Scentriver: Extremely tanky for a size 1 but doesn't work with Rookie's Debut. Can potentially gain 6 STA upon being attacked if your hand is full or 5 STA if you only played a single card that turn. Being an EP1 rare this card is unusually cheap for a 33pt rare but still expensive compared to the other PvE build suggestions.
Shock: A combined buff and debuff that drastically increases the survivability of your followers that turn. Buffs all followers on your field by +2/0/+5 if used with a Crux character and debuffs all opposing followers by -2/0/0. However it requires a Crux character to get the full benefit and doesn't work with Rookie's Debut. Rather cheap for a DR but still extremely expensive.
Relieve Post: A 2-turn buff. Buffs 2 of your followers by +4/0/+4, becomes size 1, then buffs 2 followers next turn. Works with Rookie's Debut and can count as a size 1 for the purposes of making Passcode's effect work. Extremely expensive.
Cursed Totem: A continuous debuff and spell delay tool. Easily gets the 4 or 5 card effect each turn for a -2/0/-2 or -2/0/-3 debuff to 2 opposing followers and counts as a size 1 for the purposes of making Passcode's effect work. Extremely expensive and a season 2 card.
Dark Sword Menelgart: A potentially strong buff and hand prebuff. All followers in your hand and field have their ATK swapped with their STA then if used with a Darklore character gain 3 ATK and/or 4 STA if their new STA or ATK respectively are 10 or less. Being able to buff your field and hand at the same time is powerful in this deck but it doesn't work with Rookie's Debut and requires a Darklore character to be good. Extremely expensive and a season 2 card.
Note: This spell in unfortunately generally underwhelming outside of Passcode decks, which is a huge shame.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of size 1 Passcode:
- Cheap to build.
- Simple to use.
- Strong for its cost.
- Rather fast at grinding.
The disadvantages of size 1 Passcode:
- Low cap on how strong it can get.
- As a result can only comfortably handle some of the easier dungeons.
- Reliant on shuffles.
- Decks out easily due to playing so many cards at once.
- Doesn't teach the basics of 'normal' deck building due to being so follower-heavy.
- Vulnerable to effects that punish low sizes or off-faction cards.
Example decks
Here are some example deck lists:
- Basic early PvE version - 48DP
- Refined Rookie's Debut PvE version - 76DP
- Street Idol Clarice PvP version (based on akihito's build) - 100DP
- Muspelheim floor 35 Knight PvE version - 236DP Note: This version is kind of a joke but it does actually work for that floor.
I hope this guide will help players (if the length of it hasn't driven them away already :sweat_smile: ).
Boss drop list
Last updated 10th September 2017
Edit: swogitools-v2 seems to be having hosting issues so links have been replaced. As a result some links may display outdated effects.
Below are the boss drops for each clear of a given dungeon. The following lists include the 3x drop rates of this version. Dungeons drop a character on the 10th clear and a one-off large bundle of rewards on the 100th clear. Some dungeons change rewards on the 11th clear and most of those also change rewards again on the 21st clear.
You may also wish to check out my dungeon drop and crafting guide which also includes suggestions on where best to farm for various drops.
- Clears 1-9
- 12x Shoes
- 12x Socks
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 15x White Ore
- Clear 10
- 3x Nold
- Clears 11-99, 101+
- 3x Shoes
- 3x Socks
- 3x Cat Doll
- 3x Book
- 9x White Ore
- Clear 100
- 15x Sword
- 15x Glasses
- 15x Cat Doll
- 15x Book
- Clears 1-9
- 15x Glasses
- 15x Ribbon
- 15x Cat Doll
- 15x Book
- 30x White Ore
- Clear 10
- 3x Cannelle
- Clears 11-99, 101+
- 3x Glasses
- 3x Ribbon
- 3x Cat Doll
- 3x Book
- 12x White Ore
- Clear 100
- 30x Sword
- 30x Shoes
- 30x Cat Doll
- 30x Book
- Clears 1-9
- 18x Sword
- 18x Socks
- 18x Cat Doll
- 18x Book
- 45x White Ore
- Clear 10
- 3x Gart
- Clears 11-99, 101+
- 6x Sword
- 6x Socks
- 6x Cat Doll
- 6x Book
- 15x White Ore
- Clear 100
- 45x Sword
- 45x Socks
- 45x Cat Dolls
- 45x Book
Bamboo Garden:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Socks
- 12x Ribbon
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Bamboo
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Bamboo
Dream Island:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Shoes
- 12x Socks
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Spiral Fragment
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 60x Shoes
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Spiral Fragment
2S Detective Agency:
- Clear 1
- 3x Sage's Counsel
- Clears 2-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Trump
- 6x Perfume
- 24x Receipt
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-99, 101+
- 12x Gloves
- 12x Perfume
- 12x Lipstick
- 12x Pendant
- 30x Receipt
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Perfume
Muzisitter Land:
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Trump
- 6x Perfume
- 24x Replica Stick
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-99, 101+
- 12x Gloves
- 12x Perfume
- 12x Lipstick
- 12x Pendant
- 30x Replica Stick
- Clear 100
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Gloves
- 60x Replica Stick
Attack on Royle:
- Clears 1-9
- 12x Rabbit Doll
- 12x Diary
- 30x Mystery Flower
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 24x Diary
- 24x Earring
- 42x Mystery Flower
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 36x Rapier
- 36x Rabbit Doll
- 60x Mystery Flower
- Clear 100
- 60x Rapier
- 60x Rabbit Doll
- 60x Diary
- 60x Earring
Frontier Dungeon:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Sword
- 12x Shoes
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Ruins Fragment
- Clear 10
- 3x Ginger
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Ruins Fragment
Witch's Tower:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Sword
- 12x Ribbon
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Heart Stone
- Clear 10
- 3x Laevateinn
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Heart Stone
Crux Training Camp
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Glasses
- 12x Socks
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Holy Water Tear
- Clear 10
- 3x Sigma
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Holy Water Tear
Linia's Mansion:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Sword
- 12x Glasses
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Lily
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Lily
Vampire Lands:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Glasses
- 12x Shoes
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Blood Pack
- Clear 10
- 3x Anj Inyghem
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Blood Pack
Vita Public School:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Sword
- 12x Socks
- 12x Cat Doll
- 12x Book
- 30x Good Job Stamp
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Ribbon
- 60x Book
- 60x Good Job Stamp
Vivid World:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 12x Glasses
- 12x Socks
- 12x Ribbon
- 12x Cat Doll
- 30x Spiral Fragment
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 60x Sword
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- 60x Spiral Fragment
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Trump
- 6x Gloves
- 6x Pendant
- 24x Aletheian Brick
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Panda Doll
- 9x Trump
- 9x Perfume
- 9x Lipstick
- 30x Aletheian Brick
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Panda Doll
- 12x Trump
- 12x Gloves
- 12x Pendant
- 39x Aletheian Brick
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Gloves
Ancient Sanctuary:
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Trump
- 6x Gloves
- 24x Pass
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Panda Doll
- 9x Perfume
- 9x Lipstick
- 9x Pendant
- 30x Pass
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Trump
- 12x Gloves
- 12x Perfume
- 12x Lipstick
- 39x Pass
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Gloves
Catch That Cat!
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Lipstick
- 6x Pendant
- 24x Cat Paw Stamp
- Clear 10
- 3x Child Layna
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Trump
- 9x Gloves
- 9x Perfume
- 9x Lipstick
- 30x Cat Paw Stamp
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Dagger
- 12x Panda Doll
- 12x Trump
- 12x Pendant
- 39x Cat Paw Stamp
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Lipstick
- 60x Cat Paw Stamp
Underground Library:
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Perfume
- 6x Lipstick
- 6x Pendant
- 24x Library Card
- Clear 10
- 3x Amrita
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Panda Doll
- 9x Trump
- 9x Gloves
- 9x Perfume
- 30x Library Card
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Dagger
- 12x Panda Doll
- 12x Lipstick
- 12x Pendant
- 39x Library Card
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Gloves
- 60x Library Card
Underground Altar:
- Clears 1-9
- 9x Trump
- 9x Gloves
- 9x Perfume
- 9x Lipstick
- 30x Mystery Parchment
- Clear 10
- 3x Soma
- Clears 11-20
- 18x Dagger
- 18x Panda Doll
- 18x Trump
- 18x Pendant
- 45x Mystery Parchment
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 24x Gloves
- 24x Perfume
- 24x Lipstick
- 24x Pendant
- 60x Mystery Parchment
- Clear 100
- 90x Dagger
- 90x Panda Doll
- 90x Trump
- 90x Perfume
Royle City:
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Panda Doll
- 6x Trump
- 6x Gloves
- 24x Police I.D.
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Dagger
- 9x Perfume
- 9x Lipstick
- 9x Pendant
- 30x Police I.D.
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Panda Doll
- 12x Trump
- 12x Gloves
- 12x Perfume
- 39x Police I.D.
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Lipstick
Weekly the Legend:
- Clears 1-9
- 6x Dagger
- 6x Perfume
- 6x Lipstick
- 6x Pendant
- 24x Commemorative Medal
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 9x Panda Doll
- 9x Trump
- 9x Gloves
- 9x Pendant
- 30x Commemorative Medal
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 12x Dagger
- 12x Panda Doll
- 12x Trump
- 12x Lipstick
- 39x Commemorative Medal
- Clear 100
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Perfume
- 60x Pendant
- 60x Commemorative Medal
Dimensional Rift:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 15x Gloves
- 15x Perfume
- 15x Lipstick
- 15x Pendant
- 75x Dimensional Fragment
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 75x Dagger
- 75x Panda Doll
- 75x Trump
- 75x Pendant
Altar of Kana:
- Clears 1-9, 11-99, 101+
- 24x Dagger
- 24x Panda Doll
- 24x Trump
- 24x Pendant
- 105x Kana's Fragment
- Clear 10
- Clear 100
- 105x Dagger
- 105x Panda Doll
- 105x Trump
- 105x Perfume
The Golden Cradle:
- Clears 1-9
- 24x Rabbit Doll
- 24x Diary
- 24x Earring
- 120x Tea Leaf
- Clear 10
- 3x Child Celine
- Clears 11-20
- 36x Rabbit Doll
- 36x Diary
- 36x Earring
- 135x Tea Leaf
- Clears 21-99, 101+ (once the drops are fixed)
- 54x Diary
- 54x Earring
- 54x Compact Powder
- 150x Tea Leaf
- Clear 100 (once the drops are fixed)
- 60x Rabbit Doll
- 60x Diary
- 60x Earring
- 60x Compact Powder
- Clears 1-9
- 30x Sword
- 30x Glasses
- 30x Ribbon
- 30x Cat Doll
- 30x Book
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 45x Shoes
- 45x Socks
- 45x Ribbon
- 45x Cat Doll
- 45x Book
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 60x Glasses
- 60x Shoes
- 60x Ribbon
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- Clear 100
- 150x Sword
- 150x Cat Doll
- 150x Book
- 300x Black Ore
Goddess Tower:
- Clears 1-9
- 30x Sword
- 30x Glasses
- 30x Ribbon
- 30x Cat Doll
- 30x Book
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 45x Shoes
- 45x Socks
- 45x Ribbon
- 45x Cat Doll
- 45x Book
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 60x Glasses
- 60x Shoes
- 60x Ribbon
- 60x Cat Doll
- 60x Book
- Clear 100
- 150x Sword
- 150x Cat Doll
- 150x Book
- 300x Blue Ore
Linia's World:
- Clears 1-9
- 30x Dagger
- 30x Gloves
- 30x Perfume
- 30x Lipstick
- 30x Pendant
- Clear 10
- Clears 11-20
- 45x Panda Doll
- 45x Trump
- 45x Gloves
- 45x Perfume
- 45x Lipstick
- Clears 21-99, 101+
- 60x Dagger
- 60x Panda Doll
- 60x Trump
- 60x Gloves
- 60x Pendant
- Clear 100
- 150x Dagger
- 150x Panda Doll
- 150x Trump
- 150x Pendant
- Clears 1-9
RE: Bug Report Thread
Not a bug per se, but Library Explorer (200280) could do with having an animation to indicate what it just deactivated.
RE: Bug Report Thread
Start the Counterattack (200566) always shows the animation on the player's slots even when hitting opposing cards.